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Cookie Policy for DWS Distribution

At DWS Distribution, we value your privacy and aim to provide transparency about our use of cookies. This Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies on our wholesale ecommerce website to enhance your browsing experience and personalize the content you see. By continuing to use our website, you consent to our use of cookies as described in this policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. They are commonly used to remember your preferences, track your activity on the website, and personalize your experience.

Types of cookies we use

We use both session and persistent cookies on our website. Session cookies are temporary and are deleted when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your device until they expire or are deleted.

We use the following types of cookies on our website:

  1. Essential cookies: These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly and cannot be disabled. They are used to remember your login information, shopping cart contents, and other preferences.
  2. Performance cookies: These cookies collect information about how you use our website, such as which pages you visit and how long you spend on each page. This information is used to improve the performance of our website and enhance your browsing experience.
  3. Marketing cookies: These cookies are used to track your browsing activity across different websites and display personalized ads based on your interests. We use third-party cookies from advertising partners such as Google and Facebook for this purpose.

How to manage cookies

You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to disable or delete cookies, or to receive a notification when a new cookie is set. However, please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our website and prevent you from accessing certain features.

Changes to this policy

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our use of cookies. We will post any updates on this page and notify you of any significant changes.

Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies, please contact us at